Adhesive X Cotton

Adhesive X Cotton

Many of us are familiar with the videos of what happens when lashing adhesive (in liquid form) is exposed to cotton and we notice smoke is emitted into the air as a result of this exposure. Why is this you may be wondering?

Chemical reaction

Many lash adhesives contain an ingredient called cyanoacrylate. When cyanoacrylate mixes with materials such as cotton, leather, or wool, there is an exothermic reaction, producing heat and releasing smoke into the air.

Keep these supplies away from wet adhesive

-Q tips

-Cotton wipes

Tip: Avoid using a product, such as q-tips, to clean your client’s lashes as small cotton fibers may be left behind then later exposed to liquid adhesive during the application process.

Don’t allow any contact between wet lash adhesive and cotton. Make sure the lash adhesive has fully dried before exposing it to cotton! So let’s have a worry-free appointment and always remember COTTON X ADHESIVE = DANGER.


Ashley Bryan


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